Marketing is a medley relay
You've heard the saying "Success is a marathon, not a sprint." I agree, but I'll add that marketing, or I should say 'great marketing' is a medley relay.
In order to do great things, your organization needs to collectively own marketing. Everyone from Accounting to HR to Operations to Sales to C level are in the marketing. That is not because marketers are control freaks (a topic for a different post), but it is because marketing is an organizational trait rather than a department.
Because this is true, in order to be great with your marketing you need to practice hand offs and run your leg and cheer your teammates and carry warm ups and guard the baton and hold the blocks and train to win.
Everyone runs a leg. It might be short like the 100 meters or long like the 1600 meters, but each leg is critical to your success. Marketing is exactly like this.
Are you using your whole squad in your marketing? What can you do today to get everyone in training for your medley relay?